Tips For Heating Your Home Affordably
There’s nothing worse than being huddled up on your sofa, wearing the best part of a
dozen layers, trying to stop your teeth from chattering. Freezing homes are a huge
burden, preventing you from getting your forty winks and even causing you to catch a
cold. But, contrary to popular belief, it’s not a problem that’s too expensive to fix.
There are plenty of ways to pump heat into your home for an affordable price, and
we’ve listed some of the very best below. You’ll soon see that it doesn’t have to cost an
arm and a leg to keep the temperature up after all.
Use the sunshine
When the sun starts shining, open up those curtains and let the light pour in. You never
need to pay a penny for natural heat, so it’s important to make the most of it when you
can. And, given how summer is right around the corner, you should be able to enjoy a
few months’ worth of free warmth.
When the sun starts to dip behind the clouds, however, act quick and draw the curtains.
This will help to keep the heat indoors for longer, meaning you can stay toasty right
through the evenings.
Plug the gaps
One of the main sources of heat loss in the modern home is tiny air holes. These little
openings are the main culprits for sucking warm air out of the house and replacing it
with cold breezes from outdoors – so plugging these gaps can make a huge difference.
Most holes can be sealed easily and effectively with putty and foam. The trickiest bit is
locating them all. Be sure to check recessed lights, windows and doors, and it’s always
worth climbing up to the attic to take a look at any potential holes up there.
Filling-in costs very little, and it won’t take long for you to start noticing the beneficial
Invest in wall coatings
One of the most effective methods of all for heating a property is hiring a professional to
put wall coatings on your home exteriors.
Scratch render, in particular, is extremely effective at insulating households given its
waterproof, weather-resistant properties, but a rendering expert will be able to
determine the best solution for you.
MK Rendering have been helping homeowners stay toasty through testing times of cold
weather for many years, offering a rendering service that provides properties with an
essential extra layer for maximum insulation.
Speak to a member of our team today by giving us a call on 08000 411 8675 or sending
a message to We’ll be able to tell you all about the value of
wall coatings such as scratch render and how it can make your property a better place
to live, as well as a nicer one to look at…
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